Sunday, March 27, 2011

Faint positive home pregnancy tests!

I took 2 yesterday and 1 this morning. They were all faint positive!!!! I am actually looking forward to getting blood work tomorrow! Crazy, I know!

The top one is a really faint plus sign and the bottom 2 need 2 lines to be positive and it is there faint on the left. Hopeful for good beta numbers tomorrow!


  1. are so pregnant with those marks this early! Yea!!!

  2. WOOHOO!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Im so thrilled for you!!!!! Yay!!!!!

  3. I TOOK THE SAME BOTTOM one but i only got the dark blue line... in the oval spot... but the circular spot had nothing in it

  4. I took a pregnancy test and had a result just like the top ept. Does this mean I am pregnant?
