My husband and I left home at 5 AM to travel to Chicago to attend the appointment at the fertility center. We had blood work, I had a vaginal ultrasound, met with the nurse to discuss scheduling and medication protocol, we had a meeting with the psychologist, then I had to take the MMPI. We grabbed a quick bite to eat near the clinic, then got out of that crazy, busy, city as fast as we could. I have become such a country girl. I don't even like visiting the city anymore.....
My reproductive organs looked great. However, my blood pressure was slightly high for me at 140/90, then rechecked at 142/90 later in the morning. Yesterday, I attended my endocrinologist appointment, where I was surprised at the blood pressure numbers at 135/88. My thyroid levels were a little low. They increased my dosage from 88 mcg to 100 mcg. Because of the high BP numbers, I am to get it rechecked at my local clinic and get a medical clearance letter. I hope these numbers are just a fluke and we can move forward without delay. They will also let me know the results of all the other tests.
IF everything goes as planned, the end of February will be the embryo transfer.
The Cubs Have Arrived: Our Birth Story
8 years ago