Whoomph! THERE it is! Proceed with caution: Hope for high numbers on Thursday's blood work. During the monitoring appointments - hope for 2 healthy yolk sacs, a few weeks later - hope for 2 beating hearts, then making it to the developmental milestone of viability. and, THAT is JUST the beginning (well, for the parents that is). I hope those little boys stay nice and cozy and I nourish some healthy, smart, beautiful sons for a deserving family!
The Cubs Have Arrived: Our Birth Story
8 years ago
YAY! That is so excited!How many days past transfer did it take to get a positive? I can't bring myself to test yet!
ReplyDeleteThe first surrogacy, it took 5 days post transfer. This time, it took 6 to get a very faint, 7 to get the positive on the digital. Good luck!